Ever since we are born, we go to school, we study, then we start a job, work 9-5 every day for the...
5 Minutes For Success
How to Achieve Goals
Sadly, not many people achieve goals. We all set goals, we say I’ll do this next year, or I want...
4 Things You Can Do To Stop Being a People Pleaser
Do you consider yourself a people pleaser? Did you know that many people don’t think of themselves...
The Secret of a Morning Routine
So far you’ve probably heard of a morning routine a million times. Every successful person, coach,...
People Quit At 40%
Did you know that people quit at 40%? This is called 40% Rule, and it says that when we think we...
Say NO to Others And Say YES to Yourself
Lots of people find it hard to say NO to others. They often feel that if they say NO they will be...
How to stay motivated when things are not working out
Has this ever happened to you? You get an awesome idea, create a plan you feel so pumped and start...
How To Build Self-Confidence Easily?
“When you have a lot of confidence and you feel like nobody can beat you, it’s game over for...